Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Falling Down Professions - NY Times - Follow- Up - Whoa!

Ok - I have gotten responses to posts but I must say that this was unbelievable. I've gotten so many emails with so many questions about coaching for this issue that I'm thinking about how to approach this issue in particular and perhaps developing aprogram especially for people in these two professions. Give me some time. The wheels are turning.....

In general I will say "yes" and "no" and "but" to all your questions and concerns.

YES!!!!!!!! You can make a change at any time of your professional life. YES you can have a rewarding, satisfying and enjoyable life starting now. YES you can make smaller changes while you make the big changes so that your daily life feels more comfortable and you liberate some of your energy, new ambitions and desires. Yes to a lot more....

NO. It doesn't mean it will be very, very easy or without any emotional or psychological conflict. There are sometimes conflicting feelings about whether to leave, why to leave, alternative career paths, familial, social and societal expectations to deal with. There are the whys and wherefores and the nitty gritty of making the change and the difficulties that sometimes come up.

BUT. You're not alone. I love working with clients through transitions. Having gone through them myself I know the difficulties that can come up. I know the issues. I also know how to work through them. I know how to guide, assist and support you in making the right change for you. It is my great pleasure to work with people and see them go on to shine in their chosen field and positions.

If I haven't answered you personally yet, I will do so within the next day or so.
Meanwhile, many of the email questions which I cannot and would not share here sounded much like that of James which he posted and which I've included here.

James asked - Is there really a way of transitioning from one of those professions? I've spent almost 20 years hating every day of it but having put all the energy and time into it, not to mention the financial rewards I'm not sure what the answer is.

Rebecca "Kiki" Weingarten M.Sc.Ed, MFA said...

Hi James,

Ok - not to make light of your question but have you spent the 20 years putting the energy into hating it - or into doing it? Hmmmm.

The financial rewards make it very very seductive and rewarding and therefore harder to make a change.

Now for an answer - yes it is possible to transition and you can transition while retaining some of the elements that are rewarding and positive. No need to throw away what you've done and achieved. You use the best parts of it and take them with you.

I don't have enough information about you or your situation to say more. If you'd like to email me some of the info or a question or to continue this conversation please feel free to email me at rebecca at dailylifeconsulting dot com

Good luck and try and enjoy whatever you can of the day,

Hang in there everyone! You can make the change. I know it. I'm rooting for you!
Rebecca Kiki