Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What Do You Want To Do In Act II? American Society for Training and Development + In Act 2 of Life Doing What Matters (NY Times)

The American Society for Training and Development magazine's July issue features a terrific article by Paula Ketter Are You Ready for ACT II? It was my great pleasure to speak with Paula about the different ways to prepare for a new lifestyle after retirement.

I am so excited to be continuing to explore this topic with On July 24th, with ASTD, I'll be doing a seminar “What Do You Want to Do in Act II?” will offer some thoughts, ideas and tips on making the transition from your conventional work life to whatever form of retirement you're planning on having, followed by a Q&A session. Judging by my clients I think we're going to have to retire the word retire and come up with another way of describing the kinds of ACT IIs that people are having. Stay tuned for more details on the seminar.

On a very related note, I was happy to see Jane Brody writing about the same issues in her column in yesterday's NY Times In Act 2 of Life, Doing Work That Matters
As always, her article was informative and loaded with information.

Retirement isn't what it used to be. It's a new stage of life with lots of OPTIONS and as many ways to approach it as there are people approaching it.

Using the work I've done with clients, research and my experience as a Program Developer and Trainer I've developed the OPTIONS(sm) system for planning for ACT II which I'll be talking about in more detail on July 24th with ASTD. I'm very much looking forward to it. Some of my greatest work inspirations have come from personal mentors who have made fantastic ACT II shifts. Although I'm at a different stage in my work life the lessons I've learned from them and my clients gives me a great perspective on transitions, and new beginnings. I look forward to sharing my experiences with them, my clients and the research that's being done on this exciting new way to embrace Act II (the stage previously known as retirement - maybe we should just call it !!

Please email or call form more info - I will be posting more about it here as well.

Enjoy the day your way!
Rebecca "Kiki"
Daily Life Consulting
For more information on individual or group coaching, seminars, workshops, strategy development sessions, trainings or programs for your organization please call 646.468.0608 or email me at coach at dailylifeconsulting dot com or Eva Harris at eva at shoutoutpr dot com