Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Updates - (what we've been up to since we've been AWOL from posting)

Ok - we're here but sort-of-ish here. That means we've been busy doing what we always do coaching, workshops, seminars, webinars....ok a little R&R too and not too much blogosphere.
What we have been doing is working on the new projects for the Fall. I am so excited, I love all this stuff and I'm excited about the new projects to come.
In short;
* We'll be devoting one blog to your Q&A. The Motivation and Transition Coaching blog
will be the place to go to for asking, and getting answers to your questions about anything and everything motivation and transition related. If you'd like to see your questions answered on the blog please email motivateme at motivationandtransitioncoaching dot com. Can't wait to hear from you!

We've also been working on setting up workshops, seminars and classes online. Over the years we've been getting lots of requests for them to be online and now we're going to be doing it. Stay tuned for more info.

We'll be posting the schedule for the Fall workshops, seminars and classes in August. If you have a topic you'd like to see covered please email me at kiki at dailylifeconsulting dot com and I'll see when we can fit it in.

Topics that will be covered are career choices, career transitions, career and practice shifts, exploring new options, stress management, time management, creativity, finding focus, etherthink and more. Our education and parenting workshops will include learning skills, school skills, reading-writing and comprehension, competition skills, children on overload, parenting skills and helping children succeed and sometimes fail successfully, enhancing creativity in children, helping children become life-long learners. You can visit http://dailylifecoaching4kids.blogspot.com for more information or email me at kiki at dailylifeconsulting dot com

Enjoy the summer - I don't know how hot it is where you are but we're scorching over here in NYC. Argh.

Enjoy the day your way,
Rebecca "Kiki"
Daily Life Consulting