Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Dramatic Mind - Quick Response

Hey all of you who feel neglected by The Dramatic Mind - I think we'll have to shoot for September for that one - but in the meantime here are a couple of quick answers to some requests for reading recs for some interesting and fun summer reading. This is for you J and B - who have been emailing since the end of June for books to take along on vaca! Get ready for the fall workshops - they're going to be fun!!

Meanwhile - for any movie lovers who feel a bit guilty indulging quite as much as they do - keep indulging! Read this article and head thee to the movies! Love this article - thanks C.R. for emailing it to me.
It's from Media Life Magazine and it's Revealed: Secret Life of Moviegoers.

*For F and G who wanted books that tell about the other side of the movie business, the one you don't read about in Script Magazine check out these books about the film business -

*Bambi vs. Godzilla On the Nature, Purpose, and Practice of the Movie Business by David Mamet

*Hello, He Lied and Other Tales from the Hollywood Trenches by Lynda Obst

*Which Lie Did I Tell? and Adventures in the Screen Trade by William Goldman

*Z check out Writing in Flow by Susan Perry I think it might have some of the material you're looking for.

*A.N. thanks for the rec for Wanted. It was as you said. The editing was terrific and the story, when taken as a comic book one lots of fun. A bit of gore but comic booky as well.

*I've heard that The Playwright as Thinker: A Study of Drama in Modern Times by Eric Bentley is powerful and will be starting that one as soon as I get it (I couldn't find it in any bookstore in Manhattan so so much for an impulse-read-this-minute but it is available at Amazon) I love anything I've ever read by Bentley so am totally looking forward to this one as well.

As for the other side of creativity - the where it lives and comes from and why we can't always access it when and how we'd like... well, I'll post those later this was strictly some quick answers to some specific questions. Let me know what you think of the books or any recs you may have - I love 'em!

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