Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Follow-Up What Do You Want To Do in Act II?

Thanks to ASTD and everyone who participated in the What Do You Want To Do In ACT II? Webinar on Thursday, July 24th.
Thanks everyone for your terrific questions and kind emails! The questions you sent in are a bit too complex to do justice to with a brief few-line answer. I answered in general and they'll be posted on the ASTD site soon.

Of course, being a Career and Transition Coach, would suggest working with a coach to really flesh out a solid, fulfilling and enjoyable ACT II. It’s a great new ACT for a new stage of life. Lights, camera – take action and make it the best it can be. You deserve it. You’ve worked hard your whole life it’s time to reap the benefits and make the most of this great, new exciting ACT II.
Take center stage in this next phase! Wishing you all great good luck and lots of years to flourish and have fun in ACT II.

Rebecca "Kiki"
Daily Life Consulting