Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Putting Ideas To Work - Knowledge Management article - Wall Street Journal + Intro EtherThink Inc.

Yesterday's Wall Street Journal's Journal Report was about Technology and Knowledge Management. If you haven't read it, do it now. It's full of terrific articles with down to earth information and direction. One article in particular Putting Ideas to Work dovetailed with our Hi-Tech/Hi-Touch EtherThink Inc. which will be rolled out within the next few months. It's an addition and adjunct to our coaching programs for corporations, businesses, professions and individuals.

Basically EtherThink Inc. works with you to ask and answer these Hi-Tech/Hi-Touch questions and more.
How can I best communicate my(corporation/business/entertainment/media/personal) ideas, thoughts and information using the newest technologies?
Who is my audience?
How do they think?
How can I reach them using technology?
How can I translate my information to a technological language and medium?
How can I interact using the technology available?
The challenges of communicating using technology get more complicated as more becomes available.

Using training, education and experience in the Hi-Tech h arena as well as training, education and experience in the Hi-Touch areas of human development, education, mental health, psychology, educational programming and more EtherThink Inc. will assist you to combine, coordinate, translate and create ways of communicating using the latest technologies to reach your very human audience.

Is there information you'd like to transmit and for others to receive technologically? Information, entertainment, personal communication, educational or medical information, no matter what the information is there's a human at the end of the line. Who that human audience is, how they think, how they absorb and retain information, what are the best ways to reach them, what technologies are they using or will be in the future? EtherThink Inc. has been providing the service for educational, government, entertainment and media corporations for over a decade.

EtherThink Inc. is for you if you are a corporation, institution, educational institution, entertainment conglomerate, medical institution or private practitioner, art institution, parent, teacher, counselor, artist, writer or anyone who deals with those strangest of species...Humans.

We've been doing "Tech-Translation" projects for over a decade since the very dawn of the Internet (in caps) and we were trained by some of the creators and inventors of the medium itself. We were knee deep in it when no one even knew what it was. It was an odd time, imagine back in the early-mid '90s telling people they'd be shopping, communicating, entertaining themselves and more on their PCs and other even more portable devices. Yah. You get the picture - people were polite in that "there, there" kind of way.

We've consulted and developed people-friendly government, education, corporate, entertainment and media enterprises. We've "translated" some of the most difficult concepts to easy to understand information for individuals, professions and companies of all kinds. It's a part of the work we do. EtherThink Inc. is a way of articulating it, organizing it and making it an additional possibility for any of your technological needs.

EtherThink Inc. also works with individuals and media to develop content for children and young adults and to assist parents and others working with children to understand and bridge the digital divide with them. For more information on that area read yesterday's DailyLifeCoaching4Kids post.

Keep an electronic eye out for more information about EtherThink Inc.
For more information about EtherThink please contact me at rebecca at dailylifeconsulting dot com or Jill Evans at gtkgroup dot com

Rebecca Kiki Weingarten M.Sc.Ed, MFA (member APA)