Thursday, December 6, 2007

Any Time Of Year Resolutions

In the flurry of activity leading up to the holidays I've been particularly busy doing a lot of corporate seminars and one on one stress management coaching with people who are burnt out or who seem antsy to start their New Year's resolutions- before the New Year. I'll be updating with more tips and thoughts on changing behavior, but in the meantime will share some of my tips on resolutions (that previously appeared on

Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: Up to You!
Here's How:

1. Use the 5W System
As you answer the 5W questions below, jot them down in a journal you’ll be starting especially for this. Keeping a journal can often help in answering the 5Ws and helping you keep your resolutions. The journal will give you a starting point aside from January 1st to refer to. A week or a month from now you can see how much progress you've made and decide if you’re happy with your progress, or lack thereof. You can continue from there. You can modify your tactics and start differently. Or you can start again using different techniques that fit your lifestyle better.
2. The 5Ws? Simple. Who, What, Where, When and Why.
Who are you today and who would you like to be a year from now?
Why do you want to make the change? Emphasis on YOU.
What changes in behavior and shifts in attitude will you need in order to make the changes and achieve your goal?
Where can you get support to help you make the change? People, books, Web sites, journals etc.
When is the best time of day/week/year for you to make the change? To evaluate the change? To take action toward achieving the change?
3. A couple of tips to help you answer the "Why" for YOU.
You've decided you want to make a change. Think about the change you've decided you want to make. You. Yes, you. Not anyone else who wants a change from you. Just you. Think about it. It's okay, you can say, "I want to _______". If you need to write it down and burn it before anyone sees it, that's also okay. If you want to send yourself an e-mail describing it, try that. Whatever works. Now that you've decided what it is that you'd like to do/be/achieve, there's another step to take before planning the "How."
4. Why do you want _________________________?
Find a place and time where you can sit quietly and think and have a real conversation with yourself or with your coach. Explore the reasons. Sure there are the first few surface/off the cuff that come to mind easily. Dig deeper. Keep asking yourself why until you've gotten to the real reason you want to achieve your goal.
5. Once you've figured out the "Why" it's easier to schedule and sort out the rest. You'll know the end result you're trying to achieve. By answering the Who, What, Where and When you'll be able to schedule the small tasks needed to make the change into your schedule. Why? Why not? Why shouldn't you have the best year you've ever had before? Can you think of one good reason? I didn't think so.
6. Go for it! Out with the old and in with the new. Happy New Year!

What You Need:

* Journal Suppplies : a notebook, pen/pencil or a computer
* New Year's Resolutions Supplies: Your wishes, goals, hopes and dreams
* Strategy Supplies: Your strengths and limitations