Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Finding Focus Beats Boredom - Scientific American Mind

The proof is in the article. Thank you Scientific American Mind for explaining how Finding Focus is one of the greatest things you can do for yourself and your life.

Ok - so we're ahead of our time here. What can I tell you? Our "Finding Focus" Seminars which I developed have been running for quite a while and continue to be a tremendous success. People walk out feeling more focused, more energized, looking at their routines and habits in a new way. Participants FIND new FOCUS in their work, creative endeavors, careers, hobbies, futures, whatever it is they choose to focus on. "Finding Focus" workshops have been ongoing at Barnes and Noble for a few years and writers, future-writers, blocked writers and creatives of all kinds have found themselves energized and inspired, and productive in ways they hadn't been.

The article in Scientific American is Bored? by Anna Gosline. It's full of information, a little boredom quiz, a short description of boredom in the brain as well as sources for further reading.

I believe and know that when you focus on what's important to you and you move forward in whatever direction that takes you, you don't bore easily. I also know that it isn't always easy to figure out what it is that you want to do. Really want to do.

Often when coaching clients a big part of our work is uncovering the layers of "should do", "what x or y wants me to do", "what I always thought I should do", "what I always believed I was meant to do", "what society believes I should do", "what's best for me to do", "what's easy for me to do" (and more) and getting to "this is what I really want" and "this is what's right for me".

Finding Focus helps you in the short run and in the long run. Do it for yourself. Find your personal focus. Live the life you want to live. The one you know deep in your heart you were always meant to live. Live your life.

For more info on Finding Focus Workshops and Seminars and how to arrange for one for your company or group feel free to contact me at kiki at dailylifeconsulting dot com or Jill Evans at jill at gtkgroup dot com.