Monday, November 19, 2007

Boomer Coaching Planning Ahead - The Top 25 Locations - Wall Street Journal

Thanks Brian H. for the article info The Top 25 Locations for Retirees
Seeking a Return to the Workforce
in the Wall Street Journal.

Brian is one of many people who is taking a proactive approach and planning ahead even though he's years away from retirement (he made me promise to mention this if I mentioned him here - even if I only use an initial - how did I do Brian?). As a matter of fact, Brian isn't even sure that he ever wants to "retire". He's in his early 50s, active, young in body, mind and spirit and we both think of the coaching work we're doing together as planning for a different, new and exciting future.

Here is the information with some very interesting places on the list. Go forward, go further and have fun!