Friday, October 31, 2008

Use the Economic Crisis as a Personal and Professional Opportunity

Hi All

So it feels like it's all bad news all the time. Right? Not necessarily. With challenge comes opportunity and we've been working with all of you to find the silver lining behind the cloud and all the other cliche type metaphors for turning a difficult and ________ (scary, terrifying, debilitating, paralyzing - fill in the blank) situation into new options, beginnings, opportunities and plans for getting through the present and planning for a great future.

If I sound ridiculously optimistic it's an optimism and sureness born of personal and professional experience. I've gone through tough times and career forks-in-the-road and flourished and have been furtunate enough to be able to assist others to do the same. So it may all sound Pollyanna-ish or Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm-ish - both of which I've been called before but it's based on fact and experience. You can get through this successfully.

In answer to your emails and phone calls requesting information about our services here's a short description of some of the services we offer to individuals and companies. From career coaching and counseling for individuals and groups to business services such as once monthly or weekly 'open' days where individuals, executives, project managers and their teams can in complete confidentiality work with one of our coaches to help smooth through their challenging work issues and move forward with their project work.

Daily Life Consulting
Short Term Coaching Long Term Solutions
services and issues covered include:
* Training, Seminars, Workshops, Individual and Group Coaching
* Boosting Morale
* Focusing and Multitasking
* Dealing with new and/or more responsibilities
* Motivation
* Transitions - within a company or after downsizing and restructuring
* New economic realities - managing anxiety, strategizing and planning ahead
* Coping with economic stress in healthful ways
* Rethinking Career Direction and Plan
* Rethinking Retirement Options
* Second Career or Mid-Career shifts
* Short term and long term planning

We've been featured in national publications including Forbes, the LA Times, Pink, Chicago Sun Times, Dow Jones/Marketwatch, MSN, WebMD, Yahoo/HotJobs and many others.

For those of you we know and love - keep up the great work! You will get through this and you'll get through this successfully! We'll make sure of that!

For those of you we've only "met" through email and phone queries - we look forward to working together soon. If you have any more questions please call 646.468.0608 or email coach at dailylifeconsulting dot com

We're ready for you - are you ready for your new future? (The great and exciting one that is...)

Enjoy the weekend,
Daily Life Consulting

Short Term Coaching
Long Term Solutions