Monday, April 7, 2008

Coaching Question

I'm in the process of putting together short coaching modules on different topics for those of you who asked for short-term self-coaching programs. I'd love some input on which one/s you'd be interested in first.

Transition Coaching
Are you transitioning from one job to another?
Have you recently been downsized and are looking for work in the same/another area?
Are you shifting your work or practice focus from one area to another?
Are you graduating colleger or grad school and looking for a first job?
Are you shifting from one career to another?
Are you thinking about retirement within the next year or two?
Are you thinking about a working retirement?
Are you thinking about a productive/life shift retirement?

Work Management and Resolutions?
Do you want to make positive work and work style changes in attitude, productivity or goals?

Are you feeling burnout and need strategies for getting out of it and staying out of it?

Work-Life Symmetry and Balance?
Are you overextended?
Are the boundaries between work and life completely blurred?
Are you working too much?
Are you working not enough?
Are you working from a home-office and need clearly defined boundaries?

Finding Focus
Do you want to identify, clarify and define your goals and directions?

Corporate or Executive Coaching for you or your staff?
Creative Blocks
Staring at a blank screen or canvas?

Time Management

Stress Management

Please let me know by sending an email with the topic you're most interested in the subject line. Feel free to write a short description of what's going on and how you'd like to move ahead.

Write to kiki at dailylifeconsulting dot com

Enjoy the day your way,
Rebecca Kiki Weingarten M.Sc.Ed, MFA
Daily Life Consulting