Tuesday, October 30, 2007

TIER(c) System Expanding to TIERS(c)

Quick Note

Through the work with clients using the TIER(c) system I realize that there was another element that needed to be added to it. Using the TIER(c) system we explore the client's Temperament, Intellect, Expectations and Reality but there's one more thing that's necessary in order for people to attain a Work/Life Symmetry that works for them. I will refer to it as Satisfaction for the purposes of the TIER system but it encompasses satisfaction, meaning and purpose.

More on that later, but in the meantime give some thought to the things in your life that give you satisfaction. That doesn't only mean what makes you happy. Happiness is great and no one is discounting it but it can be fleeting. It comes in moments or times and can't possibly be sustained 24/7. In addition, if that's the goal and the focus what happens during the rest of life? You know, the daily life stuff that isn't always a smile a minute, grand, fun, over-the-moon great.

What sustains you?
What gives meaning to your life?
What gives you a sense of purpose?
Who is important to you and why?
What is important to you and why?