One good thing to come out of the current economic situation is the thinking about work related psychological and emotional issues that have always been around but not of great interest. Many people prefer to avoid thinking about the issues described by Richard A. Friedman in Mind - A Crisis of Confidence for Masters of the Universe but now it seems that it's touched so many lives that people are talking about it - out loud.
I stress "out loud" because these are issues that I/we've been dealing with for years here at DLC Executive and Career Consulting.
Things happen professionally and it can and often does affect a person's professional identity, emotional state, psychological state, interpersonal relationships, interests, goals and on and on.
It doesn't have to be fatal. The best thing a person can do is to reach out and ask for help as Dr. Friedman describes his patient doing - and as we've seen here. There are people trained to help, wanting to help and available to help but they/we can't help you unless you want it. So the first step is to reach out and get the help. Wherever and however you can. It's not worth getting physically sick over.
One thing though - I don't like the way Dr. Friedman asked if it's a gender based problem. The question is a problem in and of itself. Career identities and issues are not gender specific - to answer his question.
Anyway - you're not alone and you certainly don't have to be. If you're having difficulty dealing with the situation on your own and it's hard to see clearly through the fog and distress - reach out.
Good luck and have a good day,
Rebecca "Kiki"
Rebecca "Kiki" Weingarten
DLC Executive and Career Consulting
For more information call 646.468.0608